
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 Recap

It is so weird to look back at the year and see all that has happened. My brother welcomed his second baby and my little nephew into the world in March. I helped my sister plan her wedding, bridal shower, and bachelorette party all in the early part of the year then she made the most beautiful bride when she got married in June! Jordan and I won a photoshoot with Jadie who took such amazing pictures of us that we get to keep and display in our house. Jordan and I had many doctor appointments and I took different medications and had several xrays, ultrasounds and hospital bills at the beginning of the year all so worth it when we got our positive pregnancy test at the end of June! Then more doctors appointments and ultrasounds after that but all just to make sure our baby is healthy. We had the possibility of having multiples but to find out we had one little peanut at my early ultrasound was amazing and hearing her heartbeat for the first time. Ever hearing or seeing OUR baby!! Jordan got a promotion. We worked on our house and the baby room. Got a puppy, got rid of a puppy after realizing we weren't home enough to love and care for it or train it and just made us too sad to put it in a small kennel all day. We spent tons of amazing times with our friends and families and I got lots of cute crafts done! I loved 2013 for it brought both times of sadness which blossomed in to the most joyful times of our lives.

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