
Saturday, December 28, 2013

31 Weeks

How far along? 31 Weeks.

Baby's size? About 18 in. about 3.2 lbs.

Total weight gain: Total, about 19 big ones.

Maternity clothes? Yep! Looking for a cute Maternity dress for my shower in a few weeks.

Sleep: I have been sick for the last week. I'm miserable! My nose won't stop running and I have a horrible cough that keeps me up.

Best moment(s) this past week: Last week we got our 4d ultrasound! It was absolutely amazing! Our little girl is insanely perfect. I am so excited to meet her. The cord was covering half her face most the time but she didn't seem to mind. Isn't she just precious???

Miss Anything? I just wish I could take some Nyquil or something to help me sleep through this cold but it'll pass, hopefully soon.

Movement: Yes! Especially if I drink something sweet. She likes to remind us she's okay.   

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nah.

Cravings: Diet Coke. I wish I didn't want it.

Labor Signs: Yesterday I felt my first "Braxton Hicks" contraction.

Gender: Baby Girl

Symptoms: 2 mini tiny fake contractions that I've noticed.

Belly Button in or out? In. 

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy!!! We had a crazy holiday but all the time spent with Jordan was so great. We kept thinking how different next year will be with our little family.

Looking forward to: We ordered our rocker and it should come in a week and a half! Also, my baby shower is in 2 weeks!

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