
Saturday, January 11, 2014

33 Weeks - Baby Shower!

How far along? 33 Weeks.

Baby's size? About 19 in, 4.9 lbs.

Maternity clothes? No new ones.

Sleep: Pretty good. When I move side to side I get pains for a second and I get heartburn mostly when I am trying to sleep.

Best moment(s) this past week: Today was my BABY SHOWER!! It was absolutely amazing. I had such an amazing day. Feeling overwhelmed with gratitude right now! We got things we really needed including our Car Seat!! so we can officially take our baby home from the hospital :) Also, our rocking chair came!! Her room is about done! Can't believe it.

Miss Anything? Raw cookie dough.

Movement: Of course, hick ups at least twice that I've felt.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nah.

Cravings: Anything chocolate. Must not eat as much as I want or we're all in trouble.

Labor Signs: Had a few more practice contractions on Thursday.

Gender: Baby Girl

Symptoms: Sore bones. My hips feel like they aged into grandma joints.

Belly Button in or out? Out! Well about as out as it's gonna get.. 

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy! Happy! Happy! I feel so full of bliss. Last weekend I did get really emotional over 2 plans that fell thru, however! haha.

Looking forward to: My dr appt on Wednesday. They are now biweekly, I can't believe it, never thought we'd get here.

As I mentioned, today was my baby shower. We did one big combined for all our loved ones. It was so much fun and I am so so so overwhelmed with gratitude for my sister and my mom throwing it all together for me. It is not an easy task or free. Also, we have so many people who love Brooklyn so much already and were willing to help provide her with things she will need for her first year of life! My heart melts with joy for everyone who came out to show their love. We played some fun games and had delicious food! Jordan was so excited to see all the gifts when we got home. He sat in the rocking chair in our nursery and just held the soft little bunny we got and we talked about how our future is going to be. It was an amazing day.


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