
Saturday, June 21, 2014

4 Months

OH man! I can't believe my lil Brooklyn is already 4 months old. They aren't kidding when they say time flies.

Brooklyn's LOVES:
Toys - Her rattle and car seat toys and blocks
Diaper changes
Mommy's milk
Coo-ing a ton
Being held
Her toes!!
Putting everything in her mouth
Floral patterns (she just plays with them with her fingers)
Mommy and daddy's conversations
Remote controls
Rolling on her side

Brooklyn HATES:
Laying down for too long
Bottles, sometimes
Car rides
Her nose being picked
If you touch her head, she jolts
The Stairs (so scary)

She is so good at grabbing things (yes including mommy's hair) and is so smiley! Her newest love is laying on her back and grabbing her toes. She tries to put anything and everything in her mouth, including my Diet Coke cans. We're in trouble! She has had her first huge chuckle but not much since. She also has rolled from tummy to back and back to tummy. She is so much fun and is bringing so much joy to our lives. Brooklyn still doesn't sleep much but I guess those are just more hours (although they are zombie hours) that I get to spend with her at this age. We sure are head over heals for our princess!

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Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.