
Friday, May 23, 2014

3 Months!

My sweet baby is already 3 months old!!! She is about double the weight from when she was born. Right at about 13 lbs! I cant believe how fun she is getting. This is such a great learning stage. She coo's so much. She loves when I sing, at least someone does ;) She always smiles when I sing to her. She loves diaper changes, she'll lay there forever if we let her and just hang out and smile. She even likes outfit changes, I adore the face she makes when the shirt comes over her little face. She is getting so good with her head and neck, she does push ups during tummy time and rolled over once! Brooklyn is loving her baby gym, grabbing blankets and little toys and bringing them to her mouth. She drools a lot! Oh how my heart has been stolen by this little angel!

I love you baby girl!!

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