
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday 10 - Guest Post

Hey Everyone! Today I have a fun guest post from Natasha! Check out her blog.
She is the cutest I ever seen!
She and I blog similarly and both love Taylor Swift!
Make sure to also check out my 10 favorite things over at her blog.
I'll turn the time over to her :)

Hi I'm Natasha from the blog "Hello, Sunshine" and this is me.
that felt awkward, so let's move on. I get the feeling that Allie & I basically like 9.3 out of 10 of the same things, so I thought it would be fun for us to do a little post swap.  I recently started doing a Tuesday Ten on my blog so we decided to do a Christmas related Tuesday Ten. So here we go. Ten Things You Can't Go Without Doing at Christmas Time:

 1. Always number one on my list is listening to the N'sync Christmas CD, beloved to me since the tender age of 8. The song you can't miss is "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays." Belt it, JT. Belt. it. 
can't handle all the manliness can you?
2. Also someone who recently made it to the list of necessary Christmas songs is Mr. Justin Bieber.  His song "Mistletoe?" It's is as classic as Frank Sinatra. And you can quote me on that. It's also necessary to watch the music video because you are all of a sudden trapped into a snow globe of a teenage music video where Justin Bieber is dancing in the middle of the street, and you are pretty sure he is calling you "Shorty" and asking you to meet him under the mistletoe. I'm there married.

3. Using (and overusing is even better) lines from the movie "Elf." One of my personal favorites: "We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup." [I think these are actually the 4 main food groups my husband sticks to, also.]

 4. Going to an ugly sweater party, or at least taking pictures in some. Last year my husband and I wore ugly sweaters to a family Christmas party. I hand sewed Christmas ornaments and a giant bow onto this awful looking hot pink sweater. I thought it was all sorts of genius and quite frankly hilarious, until most of the people at the party thought I was serious and that my sweater was "cute." I've never been the same since.

5. Drinking hot chocolate every single day. Completely necessary.

6. Having Christmas Eve slumber parties with your siblings like you're still 7-years-old. One of my favorite memories and traditions ever.
 7. glitter. everywhere. I'm not really picky about what you do with the glitter, as long as you're finding it clear until April. That's typically how I measure Christmas success.

8. Making Christmas cookies for Santa, even when there are no children in the household. If you knew anything about Santa, you would know he likes cookies made by adults too.

 9. By now I hope it has been a solid 2-3 months since you have shaved your legs, seeing as it is unnecessary in the winter time. This allows for Christmas Eve leg hair growing contests, which really build a strong bond amongst family members. And that my friends is what Christmas spirit is all about. 

10. White washing the weakest member of your family member, or the family member least likely to retaliate (for those of you in non-snowing states, that means shoving someones face in the snow). Despite popular belief, babies and toddlers are not exempt from this ;) As you can see, I take Christmas traditions quite seriously. You should see me when it's my birthday. I don't mess around.

We may have got a little ahead of ourselves doing a Christmas post, but the excitement couldn't be contained (I told you we were similar). Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all of you lovelies.


1 comment:

  1. Great guest post Allie! I remember Natasha, going to follow now :)


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