
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanxgiving and All That Jazz

How was everyone's Thanksgiving weekend?
Mine was fabulous. Couldn't have been better.
Wednesday we went over to my sisters for her birthday. And baked a bunch of rolls for dinner the following day.
Thursday I made more rolls. Went to dinner at my Grandma's. Then we went over to Jordan's sisters. I got to hold my new baby nephew for the first time! Then went to Jordan's moms.
Friday Derrick came over and I went to Gina's and hung out with her and her adorable Olivia. Olivia is such a great little dancer. Oh and J and I got new phones! Yaye! I stopped by my nieces later to see her new castle bed.
Saturday we got taco bell, my mom/gary came to bring us a poinsetta (spelling) and later I watched "Friends with Benefits" while starting to sew mine and Jordie's new stockings!
Today we went and got breakfast at Village Inn and went grocery shopping. It was MUCH needed! We were foodless.

I had planned on gettin more pictures from this weekend. But surprisingly I got close to none.
This is What I Wore to our Thanksgiving Dinner.

And just a few pictures of our Christmas decor :)

Now back to work! Yaye.... :)



  1. That color is so pretty on you! And I'm in love with the polka dots

  2. Beautiful! I love your tree too!

  3. LOVE your outfit Allie! You're gorgeous! I can't believe how fast your hair grew back! :)


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.