
Sunday, April 1, 2012

New Couch Pillows!

At one point in time my accent color in our living room was red.
I slowly started trying to add a little more color.
Then the accent changed more to a teal color.
However, I always had the red couch pillows sittin around.
I was going to just get new pillow cases for them, but didnt find any I liked.
So yesterday I saw these other pillows that matched perfectly.
Had to get them!



So Dang CUTE right??
I love them.
Make everything tie together so much better.

Here are a few more pictures of our new home.
I am just loving living here!


Master Bathroom:

Love this tub!

I'm happy to see it all tying together.
So much more to be done but come so far.
Making a house a home.
And loving every minute of it.

Friday night Jordan and I went to California Pizza Kitchen to celebrate Jordan's BF Derricks Birthday. After we went to Baskin Robins and I got Reeses Iceceam. Such a delicious night!
Saturday I went with my BF Gina and her baby girl to do a little shopping. Picked up my pillows. Then went bowling with Jordan's work friends.
Sunday we went and saw 21 Jump Street, pretty funny. Hung home, then went to Jordans parents for an early Easter dinner.
Me and Jordan have never gotten each other Easter baskets. But this year, in our house, I kinda want to. Do you and your honey get each other Easter baskets? I mean if you don't have kids?

Do you think The Lucky One looks good?
I can't decide.



  1. I love all the pics of your home, it was so beautiful all the pictures of the couches, i fell in love :)

  2. i love all the colors! so pretty! i would definitely live with you :)

  3. First of all, I LOVE your new headline!
    Secondly, I am jealous of your kitchen... I want it! And that tub... le sigh!

    I want to see 21 Jump street, it looks good, and I think I want to see The Lucky One as well. Not sure yet.

    Glad you had a great weekend!

  4. what an adorable home!!! i am obsessed with accent pillows!


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.