
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Is that Channing Tatum?

I was listening to pandora and looked over at my screen and saw this mug shot.

I literally thought.. Channing, when did you release an album?
The funny thing is I find CT super cute and VI not at all.
Yet at this angle, could be the same person.
Oh how does the universe do this to me?

I had breakfast this morning, got to work, and a co worker kindly picked me up a bagel.
So what do I do?
Say yes of course!
Eat that.
Hour later, another co worker brings in bagels for EVERYONE!
What do I do??
I just had 2 breakfasts.
I think.
Then say yes of course.
So I had 3 breakfasts today.
I think I'm set till I get off at 3:30.
Which is Awesome!

Also, check it!

Got me some light reading :)

Oh and this video is pretty amazing.
Cover - Somebody That I Used to Know



  1. Yay for three breakfasts! Usually I don't get out the door with even one ; ) I'd totally get Channing Tatum's cd, if he had one. And yay to Hunger Games reading : )


  2. I nominated you for an award! Go check it out here:

  3. Just found your blog ((: Hey! Breakfast is the best meal of the day. It's totally fine to repeat it a couple times! haha.


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.