
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

v-logging / puppy love

I had recorded a sweet Video Blog for you all today.
I tried to upload it and it said it was uploading for like freakin ever
Then said "cannot upload your video" or some bull honkey.
So now I have nothing to share with you today.
But I wanted to mention that I did have something then it didnt work out.

We were supposed to close on our house friday but we have to push it out to next week.
Hopefully we can make it early next week.
So ready to move!
I want a house so I can get a puppy already!
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We think we want a little beagle!

Cant wait!
One reason I can wait is just cause I'm worried they'll ruin all our new carpets etc.
Oooh if there were a way for the best of both worlds ;)



  1. Ohhhhh love those pictures! We have a little beagle baby (he is 3 already :( ) They are the best, but just make sure you take them on LOTS of walks, and know that they are diggers and trackers. So if by some chance a cat was in your yard the night before the will trace all the cats steps...its actually kinda cute. Also they howl, not bark. Personally I love it. Anyways, good luck on your house & new puppy!!! I wanna see pics :)

  2. Sorry your video didn't post and you didn't get to close on your house. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you are able to next week!

    Those are very cute puppies! I love the little Beagles. ♥

    Have a great almost Friday!

  3. Awe such cute puppies :)

    Hope you have a great weekend girl!

  4. SO CUTE!! We found your blog through Life of Bon and love it, so adorable and your wedding photos are beautiful! We can't believe you met your hubby at 15, that is so romantic!

    We really want to move into a house too!! But are further away than you haha - we live in London, so are renting because its SO expensive here and there isn't a lot of space! Laura's from Idaho though so eventually we want to move back there and get TWO PUPPIES!!

    Newest follower! :)

    Laura & Sarah xo

  5. Those eyes! I've been wanting to get a puppy, and when theyre that cute how can you resist?
    Love your blog! New follower :)


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.