
Monday, March 5, 2012

I Crave!

Ever since last night I just have this super strong craving for something D-elicou-s! Like a full out dessert. Like a ding dong or a box of 12 donuts to myself. Like a banana split sundae dripping in caramel and whipped cream! Yummm.... And no. I'm not pregnant. Just craving something absolutely devine!

Oh and quick tip, DON'T google Ding Dong. I just did to post with this and trust me, not a lovely sight.

Much safer to google donuts :)



  1. Hahaha! You are so funny.
    I've been craving frozen yogurt so much lately!!

  2. I know what you mean, about craving things when your NOT pregnant. My husband always looks at me, when I say.. Honey I am craving....

    He is like, your not pregnant are you? Those donuts look amazing!

  3. OMG those donuts look delish!!!!

  4. I will take one of each please!

  5. Those donuts look AMAZING! YUM! Ha ha, I can only imagine what would come up with ding dong, HA HA HA!


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.