
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I Need To Get My Woman On

I just feel like I need to get in touch with my inner woman!
Like have a real womanly day.
Maybe this weekend. That way I can dedicate the whole day to it.

I want to BAKE. I havent baked for just fun forever it seems.
I think I want to try one of the 2 below:
Pinned Image

Ok so that on isnt really "baking" but you know what I mean.


Pinned Image

Yum Yum Yum.
I think I also want to start my paint project that I have in mind.
Starting with the easy part, all the framing needs to be painted white.
Right now its an creamish color.
I have always dreamt of the 2 tone wall look.

Maybe I'll also paint my nails.
They need it.
something what you'd find on pinterest or something.
Pluck my brows. More than just the half attempts I make in the morning.
Get full ready, not "ready enough."
bubble bath. shave the legs.

I've always dreamt of going somewhere fancy enough that I can do a full red lip.
I hope the weekend is nice enough to break out some shorts, Sunny and in the 70's??
So I can drive around with the windows down. Singin.
I may be dreamin.

I am also in the search for brushed nickle knobs for our kitchen cabinets.
Found some cute ones at IKEA.
SO I need to go back there.

Love weekend planning!



  1. Totally pamper yourself girl! You deserve it! Come visit me soon!

    Twitter: ilookgoodtoday1

  2. ohhh what are the ones on top?

  3. Oh my gosh, those chocolate cookies look to die for! Did you make them? LOVE your white dresser BTW too! Just catching up on your blog! If you haven't found knobs yet, go to Hobby Lobby, they have a million and wait till they're 50% off, you'll get a killer deal!


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.