
Monday, March 26, 2012

After A Girl Cries

I was watching The Notebook yesterday and concluded something..
Is it weird that I think girls look pretty after they cry?
The lips get all big.
And the eyes swell and look so clear.
During the cry not always the cutest.
But after just sometimes there's a little beauty in the vulnerable eye puffiness.

My weekend was good. It went too fast. Friday night we went to Cafe Rio and Hunger Games with some friends. Saturday had to work, then we got internet! Finally! I went to Pier 1 and Ikea. I got my dresser! I got a different one, because it was half the price and almost just the same cuteness
I'm going to add my own knobs and it's going to be even cuter!
Sunday some friends came over and my dad and step mom/sisters came to visit.
We also grocery shopped. Yugh. ;)

How was your weekend??

This week I'm looking forward to:
Season Finale of Battle of the Exes
Starting to paint this weekend hopefully
Being all moved in and just hanging out at home


1 comment:

  1. I never really thought about it, but yes I think you're right, there is something pretty about the vulnerable look on someone's face after they cry. I always noticed(as weird as this is lol) how bright and clear my eyes look after I've cried, and I always thought they looked so pretty right after haha. That sounds so strange, but I definitely agree with you.


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.