
Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Results

I made a decision for my lamp shades! I really liked the input that I got here, on facebook, and in person. Everyone had different idea's. I think they all would have actually looked really cute. The great thing is, if I change my mind, I can always rip it off and start fresh!!

So today, I went with Gina to Hancock with the Chevron look in mind. Unfortunately they didnt have anything like this. BUUUTTT I did find some freakin cute design fabric!! I was excited when I found it. It just spoke to me.

Gluing the fabric on wasnt as easy as I had expected. Because the shades slightly cone at the top. I just used hot glue. Thats it. I will eventually need to clean up the inside a bit. TILL then, check out the Results!



Loooove it! :)

My weekend = Yikes!

Yeah, its been a little nuts.

In good and bad ways.

Friday: 12 1/2 hour work day.. WTF right?? It wasnt too bad. 

Saturday (today, it comes after Friday): Shower, Lunch @ Texas Roadhouse with girls from work. Fabric shopping with Gina. Redo lampshades. Watch Crazy, Stupid Love and cuddle on the couch with my husband. Blog.

Sunday (tomorrow): Baking party @ my aunt Julies. I hope to take pictures this year. This is a fun time, girls only. Normally in our sweats.

Hope your weekends are going well! 
