
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Wish List or Need?

I Want:

Yum yum yum.

Shades like this to cover in fabric for my new lamps.

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Cute boots.

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This purse.

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This delicate heart ring.

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Some gorgeous flowers.

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Nonstop FRIENDS.

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This gorgeous mirror.

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A cute accent chair.

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Some delicious white throw pillows for my couch.

So I guess I have a fine line between what I want and I need. Because my wants seem to be needs. Especially when I've gone a few days without swiping my card. Is there a place for people like me??
Okay so I'm not that bad.

I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving. Now for all the crazy shoppers. All. The. Damn. Time! haha. The worst part of December, all the crowds. Needless to say I think I'll be doing all my Holiday shopping online. Or the most part.
