
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Imps Imps Imps Giving

So whenever Jordan says "thanks" really fast, it sounds like he's beat boxing. 
More like an "umps" sound.
I hope you know what I'm talking about. haha. 

Anywho, today I had to write a Thanksgiving post. 
Along with all the others. Its just so important to take time to give thanks!
 PLUS I just freakin LOVE Thanksgiving. 

Its bigger than Christmas for my family.

Today I am thankful for:
The Love of my Life. All he does for me and the happiness he's given me. 

My Best Friend Gina. I would be lost without her. Eye LOVE you.

My SISSY. Growing up would not have happened so well without her. 
She makes me who I am. I love her so much.

My Dedgie. He's always been more than a dad to  me. 
He's been a friend, full of encouragement, pride, humor and love.
He is the best person I know. Thanks for everything.

Along with my father I am most incredibley thankful for my brothers, my extended family, my step family, and my in-laws. Love them all!!

My Momma. For all you've done for me. Physically and emotionally. XOXO.

My little niece Kaydee Love Bug. Her company, smile, and laughter has made so many of my hard days 110% better. Amazing what the personality and friendship of a child can bring to you. Love her! So much.

Kaydee's momma Amy and my brother Cory.
Amy is such a great friend. So happy to have her in my family.

My cubie buddy Maria! Work just wouldnt be the same without her.
Along with her, the rest of my work friends. And my job.
Man am I grateful for a job I like.

I am also very thankful for other things.
Like the sky, and the things it creates.
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Beautiful flowers.
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Cute cute cute cute clothes.
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Amazing moments.
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My home.

Diet Coke.
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And so so much more.

I wish you all a happy Grates-giving, umps-giving,