
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

27 1/2 Weeks with Baby B

How far along? 27 1/2 Weeks! Almost 3rd trimester eeeek!

Baby's size? Head of cauliflower, about 2.5 lbs and 16 inches long.

Total weight gain: Just 1 lb between doctor visits, I am happy about this, especially after Thanksgiving.

Maternity clothes? Yes. Got a pair of work pants last week. I love them! So comfy and keep my underwear from falling out when I bend over...

Sleep: Not bad. I have to turn about ever hour and sometimes it gives me side pains for a second. Baby also sometimes kicks very low when I am trying to sleep which is distracting.

Best moment(s) this past week: Putting together the crib and making my baby shower invitations!

Miss Anything? Tanning. I loved going tanning in the Winter, just to catch some vitamin D and feel all warm.

Movement: I am pretty sure baby B found her way up into my ribs a few times last week. It was a little uncomfortable but I love when she moves up high it reminds me that she has plenty of space.   

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. Just fish smell like always.

Cravings: Candy cane pie from VI.

Labor Signs: Nope.

Gender: Baby Girl Brooklyn.

Symptoms: I got that line goin down my belly a little now.. I also have been getting some back pain from the extra weight in my belly.

Belly Button in or out? In. 

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy! Still get a little moody more easily but nothing crazy.

Looking forward to: Finishing her dresser this week. Gotta put the drawers together and we're all set!

I dreamt about our little princess again last night. She pressed her face up against my belly and I could see her features and I saw her mouth open and her eyes open and she had the prettiest eye lashes. I know she loves us as much as we love her.

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