
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

First Bump Update - EVER

My First EVER actual "Bump Update"I am so excited!! Still a little in shock that this is all real.
I was goin to do one "bare bump" but thought that might be too risk-ay. Jk. 
I just decided to use this picture instead. I just like the bare belly cause you can see it so much better at this point.
I stole the bump update info below from a few blogs I seen. Love it.

How far along? 18 weeks 4 days
Baby's size? Mango
Total weight gain: Last I checked 8 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Not yet.
Sleep: Weird baby dreams and turn a lot. But other than that, not too bad.
Best moment(s) this past week: Jordan and I both felt our baby move!
Miss Anything? The way my clothes used to fit. Sleeping on my tummy. Coffee (I know it can be okay in moderation.. but it makes me feel better to just drink straight water)
Movement:  Yes! I felt a big one on Monday and at work yesterday. It's my new favorite thing.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Certain smells of soap or body spray, BWW.
Cravings:Mint chocolate chip ice cream, cheese, salads.
Labor Signs: Nah
Gender: Girl!! (we think) I have another ultrasound next week to confirm! :) I dreamt last night that we thought it was a girl but delivered a boy. Anything can happen.
Symptoms:  Burping. A lot!! Skin break outs. Weight gain. Nausea. Fatigue.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: SO happy!! I feel like I'm in a dream.
Looking forward to: Our appointment next week and starting to decorate the baby room.


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.