
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Cravings / Give Away!!

IN case you haven't noticed yet I am obsessed with pregnancy and sharing bits and pieces of it. I have had definitely a more nauseous last 4 months but oh so worth it! I have heard of "cravings" being a big thing that comes with baby growing. I don't imagine myself ever scarfing down a jar of pickles dipped in peanut butter anytime but I am definitely more picky with what I put in my belly.

My "aversions" right now include: Spaghetti, ground hamburger on anything, Panda, PB & J, prenatals.

"Cravings" would be: Slurpee's, chocolate milk, chicken on anything, ranch, french fries, smoothies, cheese, cereal.

I have also found that when I sing I don't feel sick. I think our baby is going to love music. And I burp a LOT! 

I also wanted to share with you all a cute little give away / guest post from Caiti over at Caitimae. She is a brilliant crafting / DIY genius! She makes the cutest accessories and is a great baker! Plus she's just the freakin cutest! Here she is:

Hello Allie’s readers! I’m so excited to be here today! I love this blog and so appreciate the opportunity Allie has given me to do a giveaway!

Let me introduce myself.. My name is Caiti I blog over at Caitimae. I grew up in Utah and moved to Colorado a few years ago.  I love anything that your grandmother loves; thrift stores, baking, yarn, books, and rearranging furniture, oh, and going to bed before the sun goes down.

I would love for you to stop by my blog sometime!

Now.. for something fun!
I recently opened Etsy shop called Minty Designs, and have a new product I want to share with you!

Girls love watching football, for a few reasons:
  1. The food. It’s a good excuse to pig out
  2. Players butts/physical physique
  3. Fashionable clothing to support their team
I have noticed that there isn’t a lot of clothing/accessories for women when it comes to Sports.  So, who wouldn’t want a custom accessory to wear while yelling at the T.V? It become a necessity.

Place a comment with what style you like best, and your favorite football team, the winner will get a custom scarf! Good luck, and happy blogging!

 Infinity Scarf
A Football Lovers Knitted Scarf - Made to order

Drop Stitch Cowl

Color Block Scarf


  1. Cute scarfs! I love the drop stitch cowl one. And my favorite team would have to be the Cowboys, so anything blue and silver or grey

  2. Love these!! The drop stitch cowl is awesome and my favorite team is the New Orleans Saints.

  3. Oh so cute! I totally want the drop stitch cowl one! Can I get blue and grey? It would make my day!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So cute! I love the drop stitch cowl deisign. And we"ll go with Utah utes

  6. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah buddy!

  7. Not sure if this contest is still open, but I really like the infinity scarf, which is weird because I normally DON'T like infinity scarves, but the one here is really cute! My team is the Denver Broncos, so the colors you have in the photos are already awesome : )


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.