
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

And I Decided

Looking through some old sketch books (I have a million) I want to start framing some pieces I am proud of. Display them in our home. Get excited about my art again. I also would like an easel :)

Let's just say I am feeling a little inspired today. Don't we all get those moments? I most definitely hope so. They are my favorite days. I try to feel this way at least for one moment every day. It can be as simple as a song I am currently crushing and play it a little too loud. Do a silly dance move. Snuggle with a soft blanket. Count my blessings. Admire the perfect ways the sky is painted every day. Finding moments to fall in love with life all over again. It really is a gift!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea! Both my sister and cousin are artists and I cherish each and every picture they draw me.

    Anyways, I love reading your little blog on life and nominated you for The Liebster Award. Come and check it out at my blog! Congrats pretty lady. :)

    Words as Palindromes


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.