
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

We all go through phases, don't we?
Well I am going through a Frogurt phase. I love it. I always want it. I guess just ice cream in general. I have mentioned it in posts before. So this is pretty obvious.

I won a give away! I am going to be super cliche and say...
"I never win ANYTHING!!!"

I am excited, Jordan and I get a free photo session with Jadie from Jadie Jo Photography. We went to high school with Jadie and I love her photo's! It will be an amazing opportunity to get these for our home. Can't wait!

Jordan's birthday is next week as well. I love trying to find him a perfect gift and way to feel special as can be.

Tomorrow lunch with my bestie. Tonight start planning my sissies bridal stuff. 
Makes for a great week.



  1. I'm so excited to see the photos! They'll be beautiful.

  2. I think we should probably go get some frogurt again soon! Maybe after Zumba this week :)


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.