
Thursday, January 24, 2013


Silly story. Our friends posted on facebook that they got this most adorable puppy. Jordan has been begging me to get one for weeks now. He got really sad when I kept telling him no. 
We tried last year, right when we got our house, and the pup just cried all night, we didn't get a wink of sleep so the next day we decided to sell him. Even after just having him for the one day we were sad to see him go but we just didn't think we could do it.

So when seeing our friend post a picture of the cutest little pup I decided, "okay let's try this again, for my husband's sake" So I made a deal with him. He has to clean up pee and poop. We asked where they got their pup and the owner still had one left.

We were going to go the next day to look at him but they weren't willing to hold him and we loved him already. We agreed to go get him at 10:15 on a work night! We're nuts! After trying to decide a name for him we ran threw a few but landed on Shadow. He acts as our shadow and barks at his own. Seriously, he follows us everywhere and is so cute!

I stayed home with him yesterday and just snuggled and watched tv. Isn't he the cutest??

P.s. it is so hard to get a decent picture of a little man who loves running around.


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.