
Monday, December 10, 2012

Twinkie Cupcakes

Remember that big announcement that Twinkie's are no longer going to be sold and everyone was going crazy! Well, FEAR NO MORE, Gina and Allie to the rescue!
I got a handy dandy recipe off of Pinterest and they were super sweet and buttery but everyone else who ate them said they tasted just like Twinkies!

It was a success over all! Don't you love our t-shirts??

Last night my dad, Jodi and my step sisters came over to visit me and J. It was very fun to sit and talk to them. But my step sisters loved the spare cupcakes I had laying around which is good! Less for me to eat.

Oh and I never went to Target yesterday. I saw that Jordan was parked behind me and decided that was a reason to stay home and warm!



  1. Yay! Wes said they tasted exactly like twinkies too!

  2. I ate the one that Cody brought home for me and they were super good! Cream filled and everything :)


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.