
Sunday, December 23, 2012


Yesterday was so much fun. The Mr and I went and got our parents Christmas gifts and then came home for a little bit and bummed around. We had plans to go see lights later with his sister, her husband, and her kids. We went to get dinner when she text us and says they can't make it. I honestly was going to say "Let's just stay home tonight" it's funny how I'm like an 80 year old lady, I just love staying in. But Jordan was like "No, lets just go anyway." A little hesitant I agreed. Right after dinner we drove to the trax station and waited for the train. It was blowing freezing cold winds! Which gave us the perfect opportunity to hold onto each other for dear life.

When we got down town there was this tiny little hot cocoa stand right by the entrance of Temple Square. We stopped and picked up two to go. No joke, this was like magic cocoa. After a few sips I was no longer feeling cold what-so-ever! We walked around looking at the beautiful lights, hand in hand, sipping our cocoa. It was super fun and a nice little date. Don't get me wrong, it was Jam PACKED with people, but we didn't mind too much. We came home and watched some Christmas movies, some friends, and headed to bed. I am so glad we went :)

I was too scared to ask someone to take a picture of us together so this is all we have.


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