
Sunday, December 16, 2012


I am in love with this weekend and how it has been full of little precious moments spent alone in our home with my handsome husband. Just doing silly every day things bring a smile to my face. Grocery shopping in the blizzard and my gentleman of a husband telling me to get warm while he puts the groceries in the car. Him coming home and shoveling our driveway. I tried to return the favor and make him lunch for when he was done. His cheeks all rosy red. Deciding which scent to use for our Scentsy warmer for the Christmas weekend that is just around the corner. Him in the other room blasting Biebs. Just snuggling with him in bed at night before we fall asleep.

Life is great. 

Guess what! Today I reached 100 followers. I think it is kinda cool. Thank you everyone who cares about what I have to say. I want to do a fun little give away to celebrate! Also to celebrate the spirit of giving!

I got some great Christmas shopping done yesterday! I am so excited to say we finally have wrapped gifts under our tree. We just drove around trying to find The Grinch to watch tonight but we were unsuccessful. Darn it.

This week I look forward to multiple Secret Santa exchanges and spending time with close friends and family! T minus 8 Days till Ho! Ho! Ho! Christmas!
I want to dress up like Santa for work and make everyone's day.

Have a wonderful rest of your Sunday.


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