
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Weekend Fun

Weekend Review!

Friday: Jaydon's 1st birthday party. Helped mom paint. Hung with my sissy and her fiance.
Saturday: Started painting our bedroom. We rearranged our living room and office area. Went to Lowes and got blinds. Made chicken fettuccini! Yum.
Sunday: Went back to Lowes to return our blinds (they were missing pieces). Painted more. Went to Kaydee's 5th birthday party at the park. Jordan's sister and her family came to visit.

It was a good weekend!
Going to finish up this post so I can go snuggle with my hubby and watch some Breaking Bad.
Here's some pictures from the party today :)

 Slushie maker and shirts from aunt allie and uncy jordan!

 **Drum Solo**

 "Why's life so hard??"

Ready for the work week?
Me too! (not)



Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.