
Monday, July 16, 2012

A Little Over Dose on the Photoshop

My weekend was fantastical.
Saw some Katy Perry with my bestie.
Shopped around at IKEA.
Got the duvet I was dying for.
It's so much nicer waking up to a bright blankie.
Had a fun day date with my hubbie.
And celebrated national ice cream day at the Tasty Marble.
It was oh so tasty!
Oh and FYI my best friend is the coolest. 
She came prepared with diet cokes and candy in her bag for us!
Love her!

I know I got a little too crazy on the photoshop with some of these pictures.
Forgive me.
I'm very tired.
Zero Sleep last night.
You know one of those nights.

Hope you have a great week!

Just watched Bride Wars. made my day.

Now Playing: Want U Back - Cher Lloyd



Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.