
Wednesday, July 4, 2012


The Fourth is winding down.
It has been pretty uneventful.
But no complaints.

Tomorrow Jordan gets his teeth out.
I GET to take care of him all day.
(i emphasize get because i told him he didn't HAVE to take care of me when i got mine out he GOT to right???)
This has been coming up often.
And it seems every girl experiences it.
Does your husband or boyfriend leave hair in the sink?
At work a few girls were talking about it.
Jordan sure does.
It's funny to have a girl talk about how our men are the same.



  1. Y'all are so dang cute!

    Will leaves hair in the sink when he shaves and it bugs the CRAP outta me! Ugh.

    Hope all goes well tomorrow and he recovers quickly.

    Have a great weekend doll!

  2. Fun fun! I <3 you! You're basically the only one who leaves me comments :) haha. Can't wait to get our paint on!!

  3. Glad you had a great fourth, awesome pics! I tagged you in a post if you are interested..


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.