
Thursday, May 3, 2012


Do you know that my husband and I work together?
I am not sure if I have mentioned it before.
When he first applied people were like:
"wont that be weird"
"are you sure that's a good idea"

You know things like that. Which it can be scary, to see each other all day. However even though we work together, at the same company, we dont see each other much. Unless we voluntarily go to each others desks to visit. :)

I actually enjoy it! We save a lot of money on gas carpooling. He makes my mornings and after noon drives much more enjoyable. Traffic sucks, but when you have a buddy there its not as bad.

There is one flaw in this though! Before he started, I was a pretty cool kitty. Errrbody was like "Oh Allie? Yeah she's the bomb dot com" And its PROBABLY the main reason he got the job.

BUT now everyones like "ALLIE who??? Oh JORDAN'S wife?? That's cool, I guess." Meaning that everyone just thinks he's very cool. Cooler than me! Weird right? haha.

Anyways, it paid off today! Because the manager of our whole department hooked him up with Avengers tickets tomorrow and said Jordan and myself can take off early to go see it!!!!

AHH! Hurray!

So we're getting off at 2:00 tomorrow and the movie starts at 2:30. Its Jeans day so we will already be in the appropriate "movie" attire. It comes with free drinks AND popcorn! I am SO SO SO STOKED!

Can't hide the excitement.

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Peace and Love,



  1. Okay, that is ridiculously awesome. I think I need to start working with my hubby. They already take good care of him. And if we could get free Avengers tickets out of it? Sign me up : )

  2. Sounds like fun! My story is quite similar. My boyfriend and I are together in a students' organisation and everybody knows me as "Putdar--Ihsan's girlfriend". Haha!


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.