
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

WIWW - 040412

I dont do the What I Wore Wednesdays too often. Because I have a hard time getting ready to the point that its cute enough to send you guys a picture of my outfit. However, I did get ready on Sunday. Like really ready. And I took a picture just to share with you all for this Lovely What I Wore Day!!

Hat: Forever 21
Scarf: Forever 21
Plain Black V-Neck Shirt: Target
Coat: TJ Maxx
Pleather Leggings: Forever 21
Boots: Famous Footwear

Wow. What Didnt I buy at Forever 21 wouldb e a shorter list! I didnt realize I had gotten basically my whole outfit there haha.

The other day I was going to sleep with my hubby, and he had his arm around me, my head on his chest, as we watched late night Friends.
I just kept thinking how lucky I am.
I love him.
Pinned Image

No this is not a picture of us.
Ha obviously.
But exactly what I am talking about :)

Good day!


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