
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Just Straight Up Awkward Thursday

  • Early morning call of a gentlmen telling me, he's got the runs, only he used a lot more cursing and telling me its my fault.
  • People at my work somehow got the idea that it'd be funny to say me and Jordan are having a child. Which we are not. I guess we're "most likely to have baby next"??
  • My short bangs. Cant do anything with these guys except twist and pin. I blame this one on you guys! haha just teasin ya.
  • I stopped at Smiths this morning to get a bagel and diet coke and this was at 6 am remember, there is a mobster lookin fella next to me just chillin in his car with his hat on backwards and staring at me. Dude you're freakin me out.
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Okay I'll do an Awesome category today as well, even though its more of an "Awkward" kinda day.
  • New found glory.
  • The fact that my skin has cleared up a ton! Knock on wood! Thanks Skin ID no, I'm not getting paid to advertise, I wish! Haha.
  • House shuz of course!
  • Everytime I do A/A Thursdays I say the same thing because Thursdays are my early days, but I am off at 3:30 which is T minus 63 minutes. I never understood what the T stood for.
Hope you are having THAT kinda day that makes you wanna play and smile!


1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had such an awkward day! Hope it got better when you got off work!

    Happy almost weekend!


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.