
Friday, March 2, 2012


I'm going to be doing my very first give away soon! EEK! FREE stuff. I'll keep you posted for sure when it begins.

Also, free cause after 5pm I am free for another 2 days. Have to love them weekends. Also have to love having a good steady job, but you know what I mean. Breaks are nice.

Any fun plans for the weekend?

Me and my sister want to try to take my niece to this movie:

Other than that I may hang with my bestie Gina.
Have to go see our house for a thingy that they slacked on yesterday.
We're having house drama. Cant wait to just be livin cozy in a home.

Be Free!



  1. cute blog!
    check out my blog
    and follow or leave a comment if you like it :)

  2. That movie looks so cute. Did you see that clip from Ellen where Taylor Swift and Zac Efron duet? Adorable. I'm excited for one of my besties to come into town in a couple weeks - since she lives 2 states away, I never get to see her! Have fun with yours!


  3. ooohhh a giveaway? :) i think i actually want to see that movie myself! looks cute.


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.