
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award

I was fortunate enough to receive the Versatile Blogger Award from Camille over at Garden Gnome Arts.
She has just the cutest blog! And I am so very stoked she chose me to receive this award!
Thank you Camille! You rock!

Here's the way it works :
No obligation of course, but feel free to play along!

There are three rules for this award if you have been nominated and want to play: 

1. Thank the person that nominated you, and give a shout out on your blog to them with a link to theirs.
2. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
3. Send the blog award to 15 other bloggers who's blog you love and appreciate, and let them know they won the award.

******Here are my FACTS*******

  1. I was named after Alli on the Karate kid. My dad hates that I put an "e" after Allie because its supposed to be Alli with an "I"
  2. My mom is a beautician so the first time I had my hair either dyed or permed was when I was 7 or 8 years old.
  3. I swear by whitening strips. I used one of those Crest kits one time years and years ago and still everytime I see my grandma she says "your teeth are really white!" and I love it.
  4. My DVR is probably my favorite thing. I get to watch shows on my schedule, not cancel plans so that I can keep up with the k's. And yes, I would do that. Pathetic? Possibly...
  5. Jordan and I went and bought blinds today! So excited to move into our new home!
  6. I wear contact lenses/glasses. When I first got contacts is when I realized how many freckles I really have. I thought they were going away but my eyes were just getting worse.
  7. I love peonies. I love all flowers really but Peonies are just so lovely.
  8. I'm doing 8 instead of 7. I cant decide one specific "style" I one day want to be vintage, one day hobo lookin, the next girly girl to the max. But I guess thats the fun in being a girl :)

I want to Congratulate those who I present with this award.
I find these blogs incredibly interesting and {{full}} of variety! I truly check them out on the Daily!

Here are the bloggers I chose to present the award to:

(I only chose 9 because these are the most versatile blogs I follow :)



  1. congratultions allie!!! this award is much deserved :) and thank you for nominating my blog!!

  2. Thanks lady! I'm so honored : ) I love blogs with all kinds of different topics - so excited to check out these blogs you nominated!


  3. Thanks Allie!!! You are the best!

  4. Thanks girl :) I am travelling right now but I will definitely do this when I get back. And I am totally with you on the style thing. Early midlife crisis maybe? I don't know.

    And ps congrats on your new house. It's adorable!


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.