
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tah-day 020812

Awoke. Not happy. I never am when I awake.
My work served breakfast. Bacon, the way I like it, crunchy but not too crunch.
I'm happier.
I work. 8:30-5.
My lunch, went to CJ's with Maria. Yum.
After work. Got a call from realtor. Under contract.
Excited. Exclamation point.
Whats for dinner. Subway for J. Not appetizing. I chose cereal. I'm weird.
Get home. Change to sweats. Pull hair up. Backed up dvr.
Watch 4 episodes of Boy Meets World. Topanga and Shawn kiss.
Oh, now new episode of Whitney is recorded. Currently watching. Funny stuff.
Jordan is doing crunches. I'm blogging.
Its hump day. So that's grand.
Check out pinterest living room pictures. Gotta get ideas for house. Smiley face.
Pretty average. But I love it all.

Here's my photo's from my work week so far.
Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday.

Guess which one was my lazy day. Haha. Too easy huh?

Tomorrow is payday + my early day + I think I wanna stop and get me a bagel = Great day.



  1. Cute pics :) I'm the same way. I could eat cereal for dinner too, and my hubby thinks I'm nuts! haha

  2. Cereal always sounds good, no matter what time of the day! Excited for you and your new home. :)

  3. I wanted to let you know I awarded you with The Versatile Blogger award! It was my first time giving out an award, and I spent a TON of time this week reading blogs and picking the most versatile, deserving bloggers I found. Here's it is : . I enjoy your blog! Have a great day! -Camille {Garden Gnome Arts}

  4. Love me some Boy Meets World - it's been so long since I've watched it! I used to have a crush on Shawn. And you still look glam in all your pics : ) Thanks for following! Following you as well!



Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.