
Thursday, January 19, 2012

I Feel Weird

Like sicky wise.
I've been fever on fever off ish for the last week.

I was doing pretty good till I ate chocolate chip cookie dough cheese cake for lunch WITH apple juice.
Not the greatest combo.

But let me tell you. I do NOT regret my decision at all. Yummiest cheese cake I've ever tasted. Cant even imagine if it were home made!

Arent you excited for Summer when there isnt sickness floating around in the air all day long? I know I am.

AND I'm off work in an hour. Hip Hip Hurray!!

I am looking forward to:
Quarter bonus
Annual bonus

Tax returns
My HTC flyer case (PINK) to come in the mail (its so cute!)

Looking at houses
Facials with my gift cert with Sissy
Craft party with Gina

This weekend
And.. of course.. The VOW!!!

It'll be a very cool end of January/beginning of February!


1 comment:

  1. yay! very cute! I cant wait for tax time too!


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