
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Cosmo 2012 / Check List Update

Paging thru the January edition of Cosmo, I found some great hightlights.

Baby Lips by Maybeline, my lips constantly struggle.
So I have already gone out and bought this!
Supposed to restore your lips completely like baby new in one month.

Oh and girls must be excited, cause I got the last one from my local Target!

Also, Cosmo stated that men who are snuggled at night are 3x happier than the men who are not.
Not sure how accurate the statistic is but I love snuggling my hubbie at night.
Even if its just for a minute before we fall asleep.

AND..They said that these were in.

Don't know how I feel about them yet.

Challenge Update!
So I'm not getting there as fast as I'd hoped, but I have a few things to cross off my challenge.
If you dont remember, click here.

Try an exercise from pinterest.
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Order something off the internet.
I'd show you what it was but it was a gift!

Lets take a look at where I stand.
1. Sand/Paint side table.
2. Take 200 pictures in one day.
3. Try one work out pin from pinterest.
4. Try one new recipe from pinterest.
5. Make someone's day.
6. Buy something online.
7. Print pictures for album/finalize pages for wedding scrapbook.
8. Have a date night with myself.
9. Make something cool and crafty.
10. Write about something important to me.

And 13 days to go. 
I gotta get going!

AND 7 days till Christmas! 

EEK! I did some shopping yesterday. Finally.
Gotta do more today and this week.
Are you all done with your Christmas shopping??

In the mood of holidays, I just MUST post one more Christmas picture.
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Oh! and check out this ladies blog to see my 5 favorite things about Christmas :)
Happy Sunday Beautiful Bloggers!