
Friday, December 9, 2011

22 Day Challenge

With the end of the year gaining on us, 22 days away to be exact, I thought I should maybe accomplish a few things. Ya know, since I havent the first 346 days of this year.

Some things originally were kind of like a resolution. Some just that I've wanted to do for awhile.

What better way to make yourself do something than a ____howevermanyday___ Day Challenge..??

Here is a list of things that I WILL accomplish by the end of the year.

I will blog about each thing as they get crossed off my list.

1. Sand/Paint side table.
2. Take 200 pictures in one day.
3. Try one work out pin from pinterest.
4. Try one new recipe from pinterest.
5. Make someone's day.
6. Buy something online.
7. Print pictures for album/finalize pages for wedding scrapbook.
8. Have a date night with myself.
9. Make something cool and crafty.
10. Write about something important to me.

I'm excited to share these posts with you! Should be good times :)

I feel a post is incomplete without a photograph.
So here's just a beautiful picture I discovered.
Pinned Image

Are you glad its Friday? Me neither... Just Kidding! You know how I roll.

I hope you have a great weekend!
