
Thursday, November 10, 2011

DIY Necklace Holder

Necklaces are long and can be hard to find a place for them to go. I got this idea awhile ago from Rolled Up Pretty.
You can do it too! It's a really simple and cheap craft! I am also super pleased with how dope it turned out. All together this project only costed me $20!!

All my supplies came from Lowes. One stop. However if you want to get some fancier nobs and what not then feel free to look around. Hobby Lobby or Pier 1 should have some cute ones. I may switch mine out down the road for something fancier.
I got just a simple rectangle frame. Mine was already white but I painted it later anyway.

A piece of wood to match the size of the frame. I actually needed to get 2 pieces to make it the right size. This is a picture after I had holes in it. It did not come with holes.

Some smaller nails so they didnt come thru the frame.

Knobs, I got unpainted ones because they were cheaper. I wanted to do 5 knobs, but you can choose however many you'd like. Mine were only 87 cents a piece! And they came with screws. If they dont, you'll need screws as well.

Last thing I got was some spray paint. Shiny white. Only 1 buck!

I started by putting holes in the wood where the knobs were going to go. My dad actually did this for me since he's a pro with power tools. But basically we found the middle of the board and put a hole there. Then measured to put two holes on each side of the one in the middle. To make sure everything has great balance.

Then I nailed the board to the frame.

You'll want to do enough to make it sturdy. I did 10.

Then I took it outside and spray painted the whole thing. Make sure you do the outside edges. I had to do quite a few coats in order for it to look even and not splotchy.

In between the spray painting, I painted the knobs. I used a yellow paint that I already had. Which, the paint I already had, was acrylic. Not the best. I would definitely recommend a wood paint or something more shiny. But this turned out okay too. Just needed a ton of coats.

Then, when the paint had dried on the board and frame, I did the design I had chosen. I used some stamps that my step mom got from market square. 2 bucks! The ink wasnt working so I used flat black paint that I also already had. I didnt dip the stamp in the paint, instead I painted it on to avoid glopping. I did it a little lighter then went over it later with a small point paint brush to give it that UMPF!

Tip: Another idea, instead of paint or stencils, you can use fabric and just nail or hot glue it on before you hammer the frame together.

I started in the middle with the design to make it look more balanced.

Before Touch up:

After Touch Up:

Looks a lot better doesnt it?

Then after paint has completely dry, screw in knobs. Screw from back while you hold the knob on front, thru the holes already made.

After all 5 knobs were in. I then hammered in ribbon to the back of the frame so that I can tie on my arch that holds it on the wall. I even put some hot glue over the nails incase the ribbon frayed. I did 2 ribbons in the middle of the frame but a little apart to match the arch I was using.

After the ribbons were in place. I tied on the arch and I was good to go!

Here is the final outcome! Isnt it just, as Kardashians would put it, "FAB"?!?!

I originally was going to do bows at the top but decided to take the bows out.


What do you guys think??


  1. I loooove this! :D I am totally going to make my own now, so easy and cute. Also, I like it with out the bows. Its more sleek and makes the knobs pop.

  2. Thanks! I hope you post pictures, I'd love to see yours!

  3. wow! so stinking amazing and creative! go you!

    new follower&friend!



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