
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Chocolate Covered Mini Apple Tutorial

Hello Everybody!
Me and Gina made some Chocolate Covered Mini Apples for our Halloween work pot lucks. They turned out absolutely, beautifully delicious!!

Here is a HOW TO..

  • Granny Smith Apples
  • Chocolate Chips 
  • Toppings of your choice
  • Mini Scooper
  • Pointed Lollipop sticks

1. Start by scooping small circles out of the apple. The scoops should still have skin from the apple.

2. Insert lollipop sticks into the skin portion of the apple.

3. Melt chocolate chips according to instructions on package, we used the double broiler method.

4. Dip apples into chocolate. 

(Make sure to add crisco to make it more creamy)
 Or else this will happen....

5. Dip apples into toppings, we used oreos, pecans, reeses, and sprinkles.

6. They should look a little something like this.

7. Place in fridge until ready to serve.


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