
Thursday, June 9, 2011


I see a lot of blogs who have such cute idea's for blog updates..

Caiti - a blogger I follow *shout out to you* does "awkward and awesome thursdays" that seem so fun. Dont know if I'll continue to do them, but today I want to TRY. I say try because it seems fun then sometimes I get started and it isn't a good post. I got too in depth there... Okay.

1- My above ramblingness.
2- My eyes being blood shot for the last 2 weeks. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm stoned
3- My arms. Dont ask.
4- How quickly I run out of gas. This is awkward because I'm awkward filling up my car with gas. The hose always gets tangled or its too far from my car...
5- The weird rain, dirt, wind storm from the other day. My car looks dirty. Really dirty.
6- My dreams the last few days. Watching my friend take a knife to her leg, Going to a wedding of an ex, Getting attacked by a flood that knocked down buildings.
7- I'm peeling on my face. Nose, chin, forehead. Gross.
8- Taking off my heels and having stinky feet. TMI?
9- That my brother is in jail.. I guess..

1- That tomorrow is Friday and we're going on our team retreat which means NO real Work! and I get to play with disadvantaged kids and sing with them.
2- That Saturday I get to go to a Babyshower for my Greatest friend.
3- That everyone is having babies. I cant wait till they all pop out and I can play with them.
4- Sleepover this weekend!
5- I made these peanut butter reeses bars and their yummy.
6- Winning our family feud game today!
7- That it is finally June and nice weather :)


  1. <3 awkward & awesome thursdays! i got the idea from she has a linky party. if you're interested. :)

  2. Love that idea! THINGS can be very awkward sometimes huh? I'm glad you shared that your feet stink because certain shoes make my feet REEK! Haha so sick!


Thank you for commenting! Have a be-you-tiful day.