
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Awkward/Totally Awesome Thursday!

1-My loss of appetite. These last few days I just don't wanna eat.
2-Going to the jail yesterday. Never done that before.
3-The accident on my way home from work. Total road block.
4-Seeing fireworks last weekend and other peoples kids running us over while we were laying on our blankie.
5-My outfit today. No picture enclosed.
6-When I tried to curl my hair like Taylor Swift. Picture IS enclosed.


2-Being inspired by the kindest people on the phones on a daily basis and trying so hard to help.
3-Seeing my brother yesterday. 
4-That its a holiday weekend, so no work Monday!
5-I gave my bff her bday gift and she loved it, look how freakin cute this is that I made:

6-The fact that jordan right now is with his high school bff whom he's grown apart from. I'm happy to see them reunite :)
7-Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory and Drama's new teeth.
8-The argument about Harry Potter at work today.
9-My dad!!!


What up ya'll, Holla back atcha summudda time.
Hope you don't get hit my fireworks this weekend. Fact: My Father-in-Law got hit last year.

BYE :)

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