
Monday, April 25, 2011

Jordans Birthday

J had a Beefday about 2 weeks ago. Well 2 weeks ago to be exact. It was super fun! We took the day off from work, so already a great day! We began by going to breakfast at Village Inn, Jordans freakin favorite! He is obsessed with the chicken fried steak.
On our way to breakfast!

Then after breakfast we headed over and saw Your Highness at Megaples 20 in the district. Jordans old stomping grounds. It was fragglwacken packed for a monday afternoon but no worries, we got right in.

After the movie we headed home, oh and Jodan did some shopping while we were out, so of course he wanted to change into his new shorts. Then we went out to Muligans for some good old hitting of the balls.

Afterwards we got some delicious scrumdidily umptions jamba juice and went to visit his parents.

We came home and had some din-din then got in bed at a reasonable hour. 
I mean it WAS a work night.
Maybe we should've taken Tuesday off too...
You live and learn ;-)

Hope your Birthday was Happy Baby!

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