
Friday, January 21, 2011


Today I want to share something that I picked up from a blog I follow who got it from a blog she follows.

Just putting 5 pictures of things that inspire you for that week. I'm on a work computer with not much variety of pictures but here we go matey's.

Grey's Anatomy. I was all into it awhile ago but I fell away. A friend at work let me borrow season 5. Yes season 5 so If you're going to comment don't give anything away! And I love it, it makes my heart so happy and has helped with my lack of crying. Grey's almost always can pull a tear out of me. :'( and i LOVE it!

Pencils. They can be used to turn a blank page into a dream.

My Niece. She's the cutest thing ever and my best friend. She gets me so well and I think its because I'm still a kid also. I love her.

I will add the other things later... got to get back to work :)

Continued :)

This song : Mine again by Black Lab. I saw it in a trailer and its lyrics are so wonderful I love them. Its fresh and spirited.

Youtube. Its such an inspirational source of talent and entertainment. Especially this girl, Lisa Scinta. She has a beautiful voice and she does some amazing covers. I wish everyone expressed themselves on a youtube account, it takes pure guts sometimes with how cruel people are these days.

Okay So I finally finished my five things for last week. Whoop! Boo YAA

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